
Posts Tagged ‘my way’

MY WAY 吉他谱(初级白痴版)

March 16, 2008 23 comments

最近听了好多猫王《My Way 的翻唱版本,最白痴的是中岛美嘉的,最奇怪的是Sex Pistols,个人最偏爱的还是Chara的版本。然后就吉他瘾大发,结果搜了好久吉他谱,居然在中文网上没有找到,在外国网找到了,但是和旋巨难(要死人的)!!然后我就郁闷慌了,于是自己扒了个菜鸟版的,供和我一样吉他初级的人使用。(F大横的一品可以只按一二弦,白痴到底!!自娱自乐!!)

Chara 版 My Way(岩井俊二执导《燕尾蝶》插曲)试听:

MY WAY Guitar Chord

By Haosoir

C Cmaj7
And now, the end is near,

Em7 A
And so I face the final curtain,

Dm Dm7
My friend. I’ll say it clear,

G7 C
I’ll state my case of which I’m certain.

C Cmaj7
I’ve lived a live that’s full.

F Dm7
I travelled each and every highway,

C G7
And more, much more than this,

G7 C
I did it my way.


C Cmaj7
Yes there were times, I’m sure you knew,

F Dm
When I bit off more than I could chew,
Dm7 G7
But thru it all, when there was doubt,

Em7 Am
I ate it up, and spit it out.

Dm7 G7
I faced it all, and I stood tall,

And did it my way.